Terms of Business
- Clients are requested to notify the clinician if they expect to be delayed for more than a quarter hour. The full fee is payable if a client fails to turn up for an appointment or gives less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation (this can be overridden at the clinician’s discretion, particularly with regard to domestic crises or rapid onset of any transmittable illness). Appointments cancelled or changed more than 24 hours in advance incur no fee.
- The fee per session, regardless of length, is: £99, and is normally due at the end of the session. Fees for clients via Red Poppy are already covered by their company or organisation’s contract with Red Poppy. Fees for clients via PTSD Resolution are already covered by that organisation. Payment may be made in cash, by cheque, by Stripe, by PayPal, by IBAN, by BIC, or by BACS.
- We do not book courses of treatment: treatment is decided on a session by session basis. Sometimes only one session is needed.
- Sessions typically last from 1½ to 2 hours; the first session is often longer than this to allow time for extra information gathering.
- All sessions are held in terms of strictest confidentiality. This confidentiality will only be broken by the clinician when legally obliged to do so, or if the clinician believes the client to be in danger or their duty of care might be compromised, but always with the client’s prior awareness/consent.
- The Blue Person Ltd. is GDPR registered and handling and storage of all notes, recordings, images, etc., comply with relevant GDPR regulations.
- We welcome feedback. It helps us improve our service, so any questions you might have about treatment or GDPR should first be brought to the attention of the therapist concerned.
- Human Givens (HG) is the primary treatment modality used by our clinicians but techniques outside the scope of HG are occasionally used as an adjunct. The clinician will always make clear when modalities have switched from pure HG therapy.
- Clients are requested to attend sessions free from alcohol and other ‘recreational’ drugs wherever possible.
- Clients are asked to bring a list of any prescribed medications they are currently taking or have recently finished.
- Clients attending pain cessation/reduction clinics will ONLY be treated if their pain/condition has first been investigated by a medical doctor or suitably qualified clinician or the client is referred directly by their medical practitioner.
- Smoking-cessation clients are asked to bring all their smoking paraphernalia including cigarettes (or tobacco and papers if used).
- All sessions with children under 18 are video/audio-recorded to maximise the efficacy of their treatment and for the security of all parties. [The Children Act 1989/2004 (England and Wales) and the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, define a child as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday]. These recordings are only accessible to the therapist involved.
- Please note that parents are rarely allowed to sit in with the child in session, the exceptions to this rule include children who are attending for assessments for autism or certain childhood-disorders.
- Parents are advised that children are given the same rights of absolute confidentiality as adults. This confidentiality will only be broken by the clinician when legally obliged to do so, or if the clinician believes the child to be in danger or their duty of care might be compromised.
- Because therapy is on a session by session basis the client or therapist may end therapy at any time without giving a reason. However the full fee of £99 is payable if less than 24 hours’ notice is given before an agreed appointment, as per 1) above.
- We undertake to treat clients in the shortest time possible.
- Donations to help facilitate our work with the underprivileged are always welcome and are only used for that purpose.